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Our Lady of Angels Church
7320 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209
Specific contact info given below.

The choir enhances the liturgical celebrations by leading the music ministry at Sunday Masses through hymns and songs that will ensure the “full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgical celebration” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 14).  The whole church community benefits from participating in the Eucharist through prayerful music

Various musical groups assist at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. These groups include the Adult Choir, the Children’s choir, and the Folk Group which also performs concerts at Nursing and Adult residences.

Contact: Adult Choir – Samuel and Yvonne Bill, OLA Rectory, 718-836-7200


Children’s Choir – Ivonne Rojas-Dominguez, OLA Rectory, 718-836-7200


Folk Group – Mary Koren, 718-238-2871